Window on French Cinema

Win­dow on French Cinema

The Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val fos­ters a silent and secret dia­logue that flows between film­mak­ers from France and those from the Unit­ed States. The festival’s val­ues of trans­mis­sion and shar­ing are reflect­ed in this selec­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly in Judith Godrèche’s French-Amer­i­can opus.

For a third year fol­low­ing the suc­cess of the 2021 and 2022 edi­tions, the fes­ti­val wel­comes an exclu­sive selec­tion of three world-pre­mier­ing films, includ­ing one series, for a win­dow on France, with their cre­ative teams in attendance.

Bruno Barde, Fes­ti­val Director

PARTY OF FOOLS by Arnaud des Pallières

With Mélanie Thier­ry, Josiane Bal­asko, Car­ole Bou­quet, Mari­na Foïs, Yolande Moreau

Paris, 1894. Who is Fan­ny, who claims to have vol­un­tar­i­ly let her­self be com­mit­ted to the Salpêtrière Hos­pi­tal? Search­ing for her moth­er amid the mul­ti­tude of women con­vinced of their “mad­ness,” Fan­ni dis­cov­ers the real­i­ty of an asy­lum far dif­fer­ent from what she imag­ined, as well as the unex­pect­ed friend­ship of her unlucky fel­low patients. Prepa­ra­tions for the Salpêtrière’s last grand ball are under­way. Politi­cians, artists and socialites will be there in full force. A last hope to escape the trap that’s clos­ing in…

ICON OF FRENCH CINEMA by Judith Godrèche (series)

With Judith Godrèche, Tess Barthélémy, Liz Kings­man, Gina Cailin, Alma Struve, Car­ole Bouquet.

Judith Godrèche, play­ing her fic­ti­tious alter ego, returns to Paris after 10 years of Hol­ly­wood exile, intent on mak­ing her big come­back. Haunt­ed by her past, Judith must face the real­i­ties of her own per­son­al ambi­tion and mater­nal anguish with humor and disillusionment.

THE LAST MEN by David Oel­hof­fen

With Andrzej Chyra, Gui­do Capri­no, Nuno Lopes, Arnaud Churin, Teng Va, Axel Granberg­er, Yann Goven, Felix Mey­er, Anto­nio Lopez, Wim Willaert, Francesco Casisa, Aurélien Caey­man, Max­ence Per­rin, Guil­lame Verdier

March 9th, 1945. The Japan­ese army launch­es a light­ning strike against French gar­risons in Indochi­na. Trailed by the Impe­r­i­al ene­my, a col­umn of Legion­naires, already weak­ened by alco­hol and trop­i­cal dis­eases, makes for the heart of the jun­gle in order to reach Allied bases over 300 kilo­me­ters away…

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