Tribute to Kirk Douglas

We chose Kirk Dou­glas, film leg­end, for his work and his par­tic­u­lar his­to­ry with Deauville.

The fol­low­ing films will be screened as part of his tribute :

THE FINAL COUNTDOWN by Don Tay­lor (1980)
SEVEN DAYS IN MAY by John Franken­heimer (1964)
LONELY ARE THE BRAVES by David Miller (1962)
SPARTACUS by Stan­ley Kubrick (1960)
THE VIKINGS by Richard Fleis­ch­er (1958)
PATHS OF GLORY by Stan­ley Kubrick (1957)
LUST FOR LIFE by Vin­cente Min­nel­li & George Cukor (1956)
THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL by Vin­cente Min­nel­li (1952)
THE BIG SKY by Howard Hawks (1952)
ACE IN THE HOLE by Bil­ly Wilder (1951)
CHAMPION by Mark Rob­son (1949)
OUT OF THE PAST by Jacques Tourneur (1947)

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