
All the practical informations


Access the screen­ing of near­ly 80 films at 2 to 3 Fes­ti­val sites, with­in walk­ing dis­tance. Please note that films are for­bid­den to under-12s, except for chil­dren’s screen­ings and spe­cial instructions.

Day Pass | 36€ (Reduced price 17€)

One-day access to a choice of 2 or 3 screen­ing venues: Sat­ur­day 6 to Sat­ur­day 13: C.I.D, ciné­ma du Casi­no, ciné­ma Morny. Sun­day 14: ciné­ma du Casi­no and ciné­ma Morny. Out of ses­sion ★. Vote for the Prix du Pub­lic de la Ville de Deauville.

Reduced rate for stu­dents under 26 and unem­ployed (on pre­sen­ta­tion of proof). Access sub­ject to seat­ing avail­abil­i­tyAccess to ★ screen­ings: see below « Entrance to ★ screen­ings ». Non-exchange­able and non-refund­able pass.

Festival pass| 164€ (Reduced price 102€)

Access dur­ing the Fes­ti­val to screen­ings of over 80 films at your choice of 2 to 3 venues: Sat­ur­day 6 to Sat­ur­day 13: C.I.D, ciné­ma du Casi­no, ciné­ma Morny. Sun­day 14: ciné­ma du Casi­no and ciné­ma Morny. Out­side screen­ing ★. Vote for the Prix du Pub­lic de la Ville de Deauville.

Reduced rate for stu­dents under 26 and unem­ployed on pre­sen­ta­tion of proof. Access sub­ject to seat­ing avail­abil­i­ty. Access to ★ screen­ings: see below « Entrance to ★ screen­ings ». Non-exchange­able and non-refund­able pass

★ Screening Pass | from 16€

Access to the pro­gramme ★ screen­ing on an evening of your choice. Reserved seating.

Lim­it­ed num­ber of pre-reserved seats. – place­ment in the room imposed. Non-exchange­able and non-refund­able pass

Book your pass

Access to the Festival

Deauville Inter­na­tion­al Cen­tre, 14800 Deauville, 02 31 14 14 14.

Open­ing hours
Fri­day 5 : from 2 pm to 8 pm.

From Sat­ur­day 6 to sat­ur­day 13 : from 8.30 am to 8 pm.

Any ques­tion?

Catering and accommodation

The fast food ser­vice and the bar are locat­ed on the Fes­ti­val Ter­races. Opened from Sat­ur­day 6th — Sat­ur­day 13th from 9.30 am to 5 pm.

The O2 Sofa Bar at Casi­no Bar­rière wel­comes you from 5pm. Iden­ti­ty check from 7.30pm.

Go to the inDeauville web­site to choose your hotel, camp­site, bed and break­fast, fur­nished rental …


Entrance to ★ screenings

Access ★ to these show­ings are sched­ules ear­ly evening at the C.I.D. These screen­ings are pre­ced­ed b the arrival of the Fes­ti­val guests on the red car­pet. Access to ses­sions ★ is only pos­si­ble upon pre­sen­ta­tion of a screen­ing pass. How­ev­er entrance is pos­si­ble with­out a spe­cial tick­et to those with a Fes­ti­val pass or Day pass, with­out guar­an­tee and sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty. Blue entrance, “last-minute” line-up.

Access to persons with reduced mobility

Con­tact the Fes­ti­val to obtain all the infor­ma­tion about places for “per­sons with reduced mobil­i­ty”. Access the Fes­ti­val through the entrance locat­ed rue SEM, oppo­site the Tha­las­so. Screen­ing rooms are acces­si­ble to peo­ple with reduced mobil­i­ty, with the excep­tion of the Morny 3.


For your safety

Plan Vigipirate

Arrive 45 min­utes before screen­ings begin and 1 hour before screen­ings begin ★ to allow for secu­ri­ty checks. Please keep per­son­al items to a min­i­mum: ruck­sacks and suit­cas­es strict­ly for­bid­den. Hand­bags are allowed. The C.I.D has secu­ri­ty cam­eras. No film­ing or pho­tos in the audi­to­ri­ums, mobile phone must be switched off. Audi­to­ri­ums must be emp­tied at the end of each screen­ing. The par­tic­i­pa­tion of each and every fes­­ti­­val-goer implies accept­ing the right to pub­lish images as part of the fes­ti­val and in any media pub­li­ca­tions cov­er­ing the event.

Screening room information

It is for­bid­den to film or pho­to­graph in the rooms. Rooms must be cleared at the end of each ses­sion. No food or drink is allowed in the rooms. Pro­hib­it­ed items: Hel­mets, suit­cas­es, bags and back­packs larg­er than 15 liters, glass bot­tles, cans, alco­hol, drugs, weapons, any sharp or point­ed object or any oth­er object that could prove dan­ger­ous. The par­tic­i­pa­tion of any fes­ti­val-goer implies his or her implic­it accep­tance to be pho­tographed dur­ing the Festival.

Inter­nal reg­u­la­tions applic­a­ble to the gen­er­al pub­lic can be con­sult­ed at

The tick­et is sub­ject to the orga­niz­er’s gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of sale and to the fol­low­ing con­di­tions: the elec­tron­ic tick­et is valid if print­ed on white A4 paper or pre­sent­ed on a smart­phone. Entry to the event is sub­ject to a valid­i­ty check of the e‑ticket. Bad­ly print­ed, illeg­i­ble or dam­aged tick­ets will be con­sid­ered invalid. Tick­ets are non-exchange­able and non-refund­able. The resale of tick­ets is strict­ly for­bid­den under penal­ty of crim­i­nal sanc­tions (law of June 27, 1919). You must car­ry a valid form of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with you at all times. The tick­et is only valid for the event, on the date and under the con­di­tions stat­ed on it. This tick­et must be kept until the end of the event.

Bad­ly print­ed, illeg­i­ble or dam­aged tick­ets will be con­sid­ered invalid. Tick­ets are non-exchange­able and non-refund­able. The resale of tick­ets is strict­ly for­bid­den under penal­ty of crim­i­nal sanc­tions (law of June 27, 1919). You must car­ry a valid form of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with you at all times. The tick­et is only valid for the event, on the date and under the con­di­tions stat­ed on it. This tick­et must be kept until the end of the event. Fes­ti­val goers agree to abide by the rules of good con­duct laid down by the orga­niz­er and the inter­nal reg­u­la­tions of the event venue. Please sub­mit to the var­i­ous checks that will be car­ried out for your safe­ty. If you fail to com­ply with these rules, the tick­et will be con­sid­ered invalid.
All exits from the venue are final.

Health information

  • Seat­ing Capac­i­ty: Full capacity
  • Hand san­i­tiz­er avail­able at the entrance to the CID, the Casi­no and Morny cin­e­mas, and on the Fes­ti­val terraces.

I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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