
All the practical informations

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can you contact the ticket office for the festival ?

    Please con­tact client sup­port by send­ing an email to or by tele­phone on +33 2 31 14 14 74

  • What items are prohibited in the screening room? 

    It is for­bid­den to film or pho­to­graph in the hall. No food or drink is allowed in the hall. Pro­hib­it­ed items: Suit­cas­es, large bags, back­packs over 15L, glass bot­tles, cans, alco­hol, drugs, weapons, any sharp or point­ed object or any oth­er object that could prove dangerous.

    In appli­ca­tion of the new Vigipi­rate pos­ture “Sum­mer-Autumn 2024” and for the safe­ty of all, you will not find lug­gage lock­ers on the Fes­ti­val sites.

    The­atres must be evac­u­at­ed at the end of each screen­ing. The par­tic­i­pa­tion of any fes­ti­val-goer implies his or her implic­it accep­tance of being pho­tographed as part of the Festival.

    Rules and reg­u­la­tions applic­a­ble to the gen­er­al pub­lic can be con­sult­ed at

  • When are the dates for the programmes revealed as well as the names of the celebrities who will be present? 

    The film selec­tion and the celebri­ties who are present will be revealed between July and August. The pro­gramme will be post­ed on the web­site about 10 days before the event. Fol­low us on social media or sub­scribe to the newslet­ter to get the lat­est updates.

  • Can I get a refund on my ticket if I am unable to come ?

    An exchange or reim­burse­ment is only pos­si­ble if you have select­ed the can­cel­la­tion insur­ance when reserv­ing your tick­ets on line.

  • Can I exchange my day pass or my Etoile pass for another date ?

    Reim­burse­ment is only pos­si­ble if you have select­ed the can­cel­la­tion insur­ance when reserv­ing your tick­ets on line.

  • What is the difference between a day pass and an Etoile pass ? 

    The 1‑day Pass gives access to one day’s choice of screen­ings at 2 to 3 pro­jec­tion sites (exclud­ing screen­ings ★): CID — Palais des Con­grès de Deauville -, Ciné­ma du Casi­no and Ciné­ma Morny. Seat­ing is free in the­aters at all 3 screen­ing locations.
    The Screen­ing Pass ★ gives access to the screen­ing each ear­ly evening at the C.I.D. This spe­cial screen­ing is pre­ced­ed by a Red Car­pet in the pres­ence of the juries, tal­ents and guests of the Fes­ti­val. The seat­ing is imposed and reserved in the room.

  • What is an Etoile film ? 

    The etoile film is pro­grammed for the begin­ning of each evening at the CID just after the red car­pet event with stars and guests who have been invit­ed to the fes­ti­val. Access to the screen­ings upon pre­sen­ta­tion of an Etoile pass only. It is still pos­si­ble to access upon pre­sen­ta­tion of a day pass or a fes­ti­val pass sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty, with­out any guar­an­tee and with­in the lim­its of the avail­able places. Blue entrance in the last minute queue.

  • How do you reserve a place for the ‘Meetings’?

    Valid fes­ti­val pass or day pass hold­ers the day of the event receive an email invit­ing them to reg­is­ter. Sub­ject to availability.

  • Why are the film times not indicated on my ticket ? 

    Before dif­fu­sion of the pro­gram­ma­tion, tick­ets are gen­er­at­ed with­out film titles or show­ing times. Fes­ti­val goers are advised to con­sult the pro­grammes on the web­site before­hand to pre­pare for their visit.

  • Should I print my ticket before coming ? 

    You can show your e‑ticket on your mobile phone or on a print­ed ver­sion, it’s up to you. The fes­ti­val is a sus­tain­able event and priv­i­leges dig­i­tal ticketing.

  • Can I come with a child ? 

    The films that are screened are suit­able for chil­dren aged 12+ (unless oth­er­wise indi­cat­ed on the pro­gramme, for exam­ple 16+). How­ev­er, a spe­cial children’s screen­ing is pro­grammed for the end of the festival.

  • I am a cinema professional / journalist / influencer: how can I book tickets for the festival ? 

    Cin­e­ma pro­fes­sion­als and press can ask for prefes­sion­al pass­es at:

  • What is the dress code for during the day and the Etoile film ?

    Prop­er attire required dur­ing the day screen­ings and cock­tail dress for the etoile films.

  • How can I get an autograph from celebrities ? 

    At the begin­ning of each evening the CID – The Deauville Inter­na­tion­al Cen­tre – wel­comes stars and celebri­ties on the red car­pet and the fan zone is open to all! Celebri­ties who come to inau­gu­rate a beach cab­in also come to meet the pub­lic. Con­sult the fes­ti­val diary to get the dates and times of events.

  • How long before a film should I arrive ? 

    It is advis­able to arrive 45 min­utes before a screen­ing and 1 hour before an etoile film.

  • Where can I park in Deauville ? 

    Dis­cov­er the park­ing map of Deauville to park easily !

  • Where can I get a snack in between films ? 

    A cater­ing ser­vice and bar are sit­u­at­ed on the fes­ti­val ter­races, open from Sat­ur­day 6 to Sat­ur­day 13 from 9h30 am to 5pm.

  • Where can I find accommodation ? 

    For more infor­ma­tion, go to the Indeauville web­site to choose your camp­site, hotel, accommodation…

  • How can I work for the festival ? 

    The fes­ti­val does not recruit vol­un­tary work­ers but jobs are avail­able for hosts and host­esses for the sale of fes­ti­val tick­ets and wel­com­ing fes­ti­val goers. Ush­ers are also recruit­ed to wel­come spec­ta­tors and seat them in the audi­to­ri­ums. Apply between Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary by send­ing your CV and cov­er letter.

I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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