Offer The Film Festival for Christmas !

Offer The Film Festival for Christmas !

The next film fes­ti­val will take place from Fri­day 2 to Sun­day 11 Sep­tem­ber 2022 with more than 60 films to dis­cov­er in three cin­e­mas : the box-office is now open.


Tickets : Do you need help ?

Please con­sult our prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion page for the dif­fer­ent pass­es on offer ( Fes­ti­val Pass, Day Pass, Evening Screening)

Prac­ti­cal Information 

The Boutique

Dis­cov­er the offi­cial Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val bou­tique : clothes, acces­sories, presents, sou­venirs and more.

The Bou­tique 

We wish you a very Mer­ry Christ­mas and Hap­py New Year !

I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


Online store

Take a sou­venir from the Festival

Visit the store