West Side Story

By Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins


Two young­sters from rival New York City gangs fall in love, but ten­sions between their respec­tive friends build toward tragedy.

When the musi­cal takes the issues of immi­gra­tion and vio­lence head on and shakes up a soci­ety plagued by racism and prej­u­dice, the Puer­to Rican com­mu­ni­ty gains unprece­dent­ed vis­i­bil­i­ty and dig­ni­ty on screen. A degree of intel­li­gence and human­ism of undi­min­ished rel­e­vance in a chore­o­graph­ic and musi­cal bal­let of unpar­al­leled son­ic and visu­al beauty.

By : Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins
Duration : 2h33
With : Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn, Rita Moreno, George Chakiris
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

During the festival

  • Wednesday 11 september 20h30  ›  Morny 3

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