
By April Mullen


Arthur Bret­nik is a men­tal­ly unsta­ble con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist and pri­vate eye with a trau­mat­ic past. After being hired to inves­ti­gate a pos­si­ble mur­der cov­er up in the small town of Wan­der, Arthur is plunged into a world of lies and deceit, as he quick­ly sus­pects the mur­der may be part of the same “con­spir­a­cy cov­er up” that caused the death of his daugh­ter. Increas­ing­ly para­noid, Arthur’s san­i­ty is test­ed as he attempts to fil­ter fact from fic­tion and solve the case, all the while ques­tion­ing if he is a pawn in a much big­ger game.

By : April Mullen
Duration : 1h34
With : Aaron Eckhart, Tommy Lee Jones, Katheryn Winnick, Heather Graham, Raymond Cruz 
Nationality : Canada & USA

Pro­duc­tion : Jason Alli­son, Mary Aloe, Tim Doiron, Dou­glas Fal­con­er, April Mullen, Andre Relis & Chad A. Verdi
Script : Tim Doiron
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Russ De Jong
Edit­ing : Luke Higginson
Music : Alexan­dra MacKenzie
Cast : Aaron Eck­hart, Tom­my Lee Jones, Kath­eryn Win­nick, Heather Gra­ham, Ray­mond Cruz
World Sales : VMI World­wide, +1 323 703 1115, jd@vmiworldwide.com, www.vmiworldwide.com

In Eng­lish with French subtitles


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