
By Oliver Stone


A take on the life of George W. Bush, chron­i­cling from his wild and care­free days in col­lege, to his mil­i­tary ser­vice, to his gov­er­nor­ship of Texas, his 2000 elec­tion, his four years of pres­i­den­cy, and his 2004 re-elec­tion campaign.

In Eng­lish & Span­ish with French subtitles

By : Oliver Stone
Year : 2008
Duration : 2h09
With : Thandiwe Newton, Josh Brolin, Colin Hanks, Toby Jones, Dennis Boutsikaris, Jeffrey Wright
Nationality : USA, Australia, Hong Kong, Switzerland & China

Pro­duc­tion : Bill Block, Moritz Brooke, Paul Han­son, Eric Kopeloff, Ethan Smith & Suzanne Gilbert

Script : Stan­ley Weiser


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