To Be or not To Be

By Ernst Lubitsch


Dur­ing the Ger­man occu­pa­tion of Poland, an act­ing troupe becomes embroiled in a Pol­ish soldier’s efforts to track down a Ger­man spy.

Jokes in bursts, a show­er of sex­u­al and polit­i­cal innu­en­do: the pow­er of com­e­dy at its peak to denounce the atroc­i­ties of Nazism. Lubitsch gives com­e­dy its nobil­i­ty for eternity.

By : Ernst Lubitsch
Year : 1942
Duration : 1h39
With : Carole Lombard, Jack Benny, Robert Stack, Felix Bressart, Lionel Atwill, Stanley Ridges
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles

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