The Virgin Suicides

By Sofia Coppola


A group of male friends become obsessed with five mys­te­ri­ous sis­ters who are shel­tered by their strict, reli­gious par­ents in sub­ur­ban Detroit in the mid-1970s.

With this first pop and melan­choly fea­ture film, Sofia Cop­po­la, who has become a major film­mak­er, takes one of the first female per­spec­tives on ado­les­cence, its tor­ments and its lost illusions.

By : Sofia Coppola
Year : 1999
Duration : 1h37
With : James Wood, Kathleen Turner, Kristen Dunst, Josh Hartnett, Michael Paré
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles

During the festival

  • Monday 9th september + Presented by Iris Kaltenback 20h30  ›  Morny 3

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