The State of Texas vs. Melissa



Accused of killing her 2 years-old daugh­ter, Melis­sa Lucio is the first His­pan­ic woman to be sen­tenced to death in the state of Texas. While her case turns out to be com­plex and hid­ing cor­rup­tion and polit­i­cal mis­con­duct with­in the Amer­i­can judi­cial sys­tem, she has been await­ing her fate for ten years and now faces her last appeal.

By :
Duration : 1h37
With :
Nationality : France & USA

Pro­duc­tion : Isaac Shar­ry, Sab­ri­na Van Tas­sel & Philippe de Bourbon
Script : Sab­ri­na Van Tassel
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Cyril Thomas
Edit­ing : Damien Bois
Music : Christophe La Pinta
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Alba Films, +33 1 75 43 29 10,,

In Eng­lish with French subtitles


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