The Novice

By Lauren Hadaway


Alex Dall, a queer col­lege fresh­man, joins her uni­ver­si­ty’s row­ing team and under­takes an obses­sive phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal jour­ney to make it to the top var­si­ty boat, no mat­ter the cost. Intent on out­per­form­ing her team­mates, Alex push­es her­self to her lim­its – and beyond, alien­at­ing every­one around her in the name of success.

By : Lauren Hadaway
Duration : 1h36
With : Isabelle Fuhrman, Amy Forsyth, Dilone, Jonathan Cherry, Kate Drummond, Charlotte Ubben
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Ryan Hawkins, Zack Zuck­er, Steven Sims & Kari Holland
Script : Lau­ren Hadaway
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Todd Martin
Edit­ing : Nathan Nugent & Lau­ren Hadaway
Music : Alex Weston
Pro­duc­tion : Belle­vue Pro­duc­tions, +1 248 842 9535,


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