Taxi Driver

By Martin Scorsese


A men­tal­ly unsta­ble vet­er­an works as a night­time taxi dri­ver in New York City, where the per­ceived deca­dence and sleaze fuels his urge for vio­lent action.

Palme d’Or 1975, this film noir offers a night­mar­ish dive into the streets of New York where the Amer­i­can dream has dis­ap­peared and the fig­ure of the hero is no more.

By : Martin Scorsese
Year : 1976
Duration : 1h54
With : Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Albert Brooks, Harvey Keitel, Cybill Shepherd
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles

During the festival

  • Monday 9th september + Presented by Salim Kechiouche 17h30  ›  Morny 3

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