Take Shelter

By Jeff Nichols


Cur­tis Laforge lives a peace­ful life when he begins hav­ing ter­ri­fy­ing dreams about an encroach­ing, apoc­a­lyp­tic storm. His seem­ing­ly inex­plic­a­ble behav­ior pro­vokes intol­er­ance among co-work­ers, friends, and neighbors…

By : Jeff Nichols
Duration : 2h01
With : Michael Shannon, Jessica Chastain, Tova Stewart, Shea Whigham
Nationality : USA

Direc­tor : Jeff Nichols
Pro­duc­tion : Tyler David­son & Sophia Lin
Script : Jeff Nichols
Cast : Michael Shan­non, Jes­si­ca Chas­tain, Tova Stew­art, Shea Whigham
USA | 2h01 | In Eng­lish with French subtitles

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