Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story



The sto­ry of Christo­pher Reeve is an aston­ish­ing rise from unknown actor to icon­ic movie star, and his defin­i­tive por­tray­al of Clark Kent/Superman set the bench­mark for the super­hero cin­e­mat­ic uni­vers­es that dom­i­nate cin­e­ma today. In 1995, he was injured in a near-fatal horse-rid­ing acci­dent that left him par­a­lyzed from the neck down. After becom­ing a quad­ri­pleg­ic, he became a charis­mat­ic leader and activist in the quest to find a cure for spinal cord injuries, as well as a pas­sion­ate advo­cate for dis­abil­i­ty rights and care.

By :
Year : 2024
Duration : 1h44
With : Ian Bonhôte & Peter Ettedgui
Nationality :

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