
By Tom McCarthy


The true sto­ry of how “The Boston Globe” reporters uncov­ered the mas­sive scan­dal of child molesta­tion and cov­er-up with­in the local Catholic Arch­dio­cese, shak­ing the entire Catholic Church to its core.

This inves­tiga­tive film ulti­mate­ly ques­tions the role of each cit­i­zen who one day turns a blind eye. It high­lights inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ism, a nec­es­sary counter-pow­er to reestab­lish the truth.

By : Tom McCarthy
Year : 2015
Duration : 2h08
With : Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Live Schreiber, Stanley Tucci
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles

During the festival

  • Sunday 8th september 09h00  ›  Morny 3

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