By Farid Bentoumi


Nour, a young nurse, has just been hired at her dad’s chem­i­cal fac­to­ry. Tak­ing care of the infir­mary, she uncov­ers long hid­den secrets and arrange­ments between the syn­di­cates, politi­cians, and indus­try lead­ers. Lies about pol­lut­ing waste, employ­ees being sick, work acci­dents… Now the young woman will have to choose between her father or become a whistleblower.

By : Farid Bentoumi
Duration : 1h28
With : Zita Hanrot, Sami Bouajila, Céline Sallette, Olivier Gourmet, Henri-Noël Tabary, Alka Balbir
Nationality : France & Belgium

Pro­duc­tion : Frédéric Jouve
Script : Farid Ben­tou­mi & Samuel Doux
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : George Lechaptois
Edit­ing : Damien Keyeux & Géral­dine Mangenot
Music : Pierre Desprats
Cast : Zita Han­rot, Sami Boua­ji­la, Céline Sal­lette, Olivi­er Gourmet, Hen­ri-Noël Tabary, Alka Balbir
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Ad Vitam Dis­tri­b­u­tion, +33 1 55 28 97 00,,

In French with Eng­lish subtitles


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