Red Rocket

By Sean Baker



Mikey Saber is a washed-up porn star who returns to his small Texas home­town, not that any­one real­ly wants him back. Broke and unem­ployed, he has no choice but to go back to live with his ex-wife and her moth­er. In order to pay his rent, he resumes his lit­tle scams, but an encounter will give him the hope of a new beginning.

By : Sean Baker
Duration : 2h08
With : Simon Rex, Bree Elrod, Suzanna Son, Brenda Deiss, Ethan Darbone, Judy Hill, Brittney Rodriguez
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Sean Bak­er, Alex Coco, Saman­tha Quan, Alex Saks & Shig-Ching Tsou
Script : Sean Bak­er & Chris Bergoch
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Drew Daniels
Edit­ing : Sean Baker
Music Super­vi­sor : Matthew Hearon-Smith
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Le Pacte, +33 1 44 69 59 59,,


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