Potato Dreams of America

By Wes Hurley



Lena and her 9‑year-old son, affec­tion­ate­ly called Pota­to, try to escape the harsh real­i­ty of their native Vladi­vos­tok after the fall of the Sovi­et Union through Amer­i­can movies. Swept up by the fan­ta­sy of a bet­ter life, Lena decides to become a mail order bride so she and Pota­to can go to the US. When they arrive in Seat­tle to live with Lena’s new hus­band John, Pota­to and Lena both find that they are in for a lot of surprises.

By : Wes Hurley
Duration : 1h36
With : Marya Sea Kaminski, Tyler Bocock, Dan Lauria, Sera Barbieri, Hersh Powers, Lea DeLaria, Jonathan Bennett, Sophia Mitri Schloss
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Mis­cha Jakup­cak & Wes Hurley
Script : Wes Hurley
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Vin­cent Pierce
Edit­ing : Wes Hurley
Music : Cather­ine Joy & Joshua Kohl
World Sales : The Film Sales Com­pa­ny, +1 212 481 5021, contact@filmsalescorp.com, www.filmsalescorp.com


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