
By Ida Lupino


Ann Wal­ton’s life is turned upside down the day she is raped on her way to work. Trau­ma­tized, the young woman takes refuge in a small vil­lage where she is tak­en in and helped by a pastor.

It was undoubt­ed­ly nec­es­sary that a woman stepped behind the cam­era to dare to tack­le such an uncon­ven­tion­al sub­ject in the puri­tan Amer­i­ca of the time and thus film the rape in this film noir of rare delicacy.

By : Ida Lupino
Year : 1950
Duration : 1h15
With : Mala Powers, Tod Andrews, Robert Clarke, Raymond Bond, Lilian Hamilton
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

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