
By Bartlett Sher


Behind secret back-chan­nel talks, unlike­ly friend­ships, and qui­et hero­ics, a small but com­mit­ted group of Israelis, Pales­tini­ans and one Nor­we­gian cou­ple secret­ly con­duct nego­ti­a­tions that led to the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords.

By : Bartlett Sher
Duration : 1h58
With : Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott, Salim Daw, Waleed Zuaiter, Jeff Wilbusch, Igal Naor, Dov Glickman, Rotem Keinan, Itzik Cohen, Tobias Zilliacus, Sasson Gabai
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Michel Lit­vak, Svet­lana Metk­i­na, Mark Tay­lor, Gary Michael Wal­ters & Steven Spielberg
Script : J.T. Rogers
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Janusz Kaminski
Edit­ing : Jay Rabinowitz
Music : Zoe Keat­ing & Jeff Russo
Broad­cast­ing : HBO (États-Unis USA) & OCS (France), www.hbo.com, www.ocs.fr

In Eng­lish, Hebrew & Ara­bic with French subtitles


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