Nocturnal Animals

By Tom Ford


Susan Mor­row, a wealthy and unhap­py art gallery own­er, is haunt­ed by her ex-hus­band’s nov­el, a vio­lent thriller she inter­prets as a sym­bol­ic revenge tale.

By : Tom Ford
Duration : 1h56
With : Michael Shannon, Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Isla Fisher
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Tom Ford & Robert Salerno
Script : Tom Ford

In Eng­lish with French subtitles



(l-r.) Academy Award nominees Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Shannon star as Tony Hastings and Bobby Andes in writer/director Tom Ford’s romantic thriller NOCTURNAL ANIMALS, a Focus Features release.
Credit: Merrick Morton/Focus Features
4100_D021_02649_R (l-r.) Academy Award nominees Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Shannon star as Tony Hastings and Bobby Andes in writer/director Tom Ford’s romantic thriller NOCTURNAL ANIMALS, a Focus Features release. Credit: Merrick Morton/Focus Features

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