My Way

By Thierry Teston & Lisa Azuelos, Lisa Azuelos


Pro­duced by High Sea Pro­duc­tions and Warn­er Music Enter­taine­ment, the film tells the sto­ry of the gen­e­sis of a myth­i­cal song, in a form of a biopic. My Way is much more than a song. This major score has crossed eras, bor­ders and gen­er­a­tions. It’s an anthem that has become part of us and a per­ma­nent part of music his­to­ry. My Way is also one of the most cov­ered songs ever, from Sid Vicious to Tom Jones, not to men­tion Nina Simone or Pavarot­ti. How­ev­er, many peo­ple are unaware that it was ini­tial­ly con­ceived in France, by Jacques Revaux in March 1967 in Megève, and then com­plet­ed in August by Jacques Revaux and Claude François, by the pool at the Moulin de Dan­nemois dur­ing a sum­mer after­noon. A series of for­tu­itous encoun­ters and sleep­less nights even­tu­al­ly led it across the Atlantic to the man who would make it leg­endary, with lyrics by Paul Anka: Frank Sina­tra. Nar­rat­ed by Jane Fon­da, the doc­u­men­tary My Way delves into the cap­ti­vat­ing back­sto­ry of this leg­endary song and its jour­ney to the Hall of Fame.

By : Thierry Teston & Lisa Azuelos, Lisa Azuelos
Year : 2024
Duration : 1h23
With : Paul Anka, Jacques Revaux, Clara Luciani, Ben Harper, Sydney Sweeney, Gabriel Yared, Les Sparks
Nationality :

In Eng­lish & French with French subtitles


Patrick André


Thier­ry Teston & Lisa Azuelos


Julien Jaunet, Guil­laume Tun­zi­ni, Flo­rent Hen­ry, Vanes­sa Colombel, Chris­t­ian Ams & Arnas Pilguviscius


Bap­tiste Druot




Jane Fon­da

World Sales

Medi­awan Rights

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