The Matrix

By The Wachowski


Sched­uler in an admin­is­tra­tion the day, com­put­er hack­er the night, Neo receives cryp­tic mes­sages from Mor­pheus, who belongs to anoth­er world.

Just before the year 2000, this futur­is­tic dystopia mix­ing dif­fer­ent gen­res (film noir, SF, wu xia pian, cyber­punk, video games, etc.) and inno­v­a­tive spe­cial effects announces the immi­nent arrival of net­works and vir­tu­al worlds.

By : The Wachowski
Year : 1999
Duration : 2h16
With : Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Joe Pantoliano
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French Subtitles

During the festival

  • Wednesday 11 september 15h00  ›  Morny 3

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