Juvenile Court

By Frederick Wiseman


1972. Judge Turn­er pre­sides over hear­ings at the Mem­phis Juve­nile Court. Chil­dren, teenagers and par­ents take the stand one after the oth­er, accused of drugs, armed rob­bery, run­ning away or abuse. Between a con­cern to pro­tect the com­mu­ni­ty, a desire to pun­ish and a plan to reha­bil­i­tate, the Amer­i­can jus­tice sys­tem is look­ing for a future for its children.

By : Frederick Wiseman
Year : 1973
Duration : 2h23
With :
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles


Fred­er­ick Wiseman


Fred­er­ick Wiseman


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