Jim Carrey, America Unmasked

By Thibaut Sève & Adrien Dénouette


Jim Car­rey ruled the 1990s with an uncon­strained and sub­ver­sive style. In just a few years, the young Cana­di­an actor, pro­pelled to Hol­ly­wood super­star­dom, became the face of Amer­i­ca’s suc­cess and outrageousness.

By : Thibaut Sève & Adrien Dénouette
Duration : 0h52
With :
Nationality : France

Pro­duc­tion : Dominique Barneaud
Script : d’après le livre éponyme de Adrien Dénouette
Edit­ing : Thibaut Sève
Music : Julien Thiault
Nar­ra­tor : Lison Daniel
Pro­duc­tion : Bel­lota Films, +33 1 83 62 22 33, dom@bellotafilms.fr, www.bellotafilms.fr

In French & Eng­lish with French subtitles


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