Imitating of Life

By Douglas Sirk


An aspir­ing white actress takes in an African Amer­i­can wid­ow whose mixed-race daugh­ter is des­per­ate to be seen as white.

With the last fea­ture film of his career, Dou­glas Sirk signs a film tes­ta­ment to Hol­ly­wood melo­dra­ma, a hymn to the eman­ci­pa­tion of women and a fierce analy­sis of the rav­ages of racism.

By : Douglas Sirk
Year : 1959
Duration : 2h05
With : Lana Turner, Juanita Moore, John Gavin, Sandra Dee, Susan Kohner, Dan O’Herlihy
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

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