Her Way

By Cécile Ducrocq


In Stras­bourg, Marie worked as a sex work­er for 20 years. She has her piece of side­walk, her reg­u­lars, her free­dom. And a son, Adrien, 17. To ensure her son’s future, Marie wants to pay for his stud­ies. She needs mon­ey, quickly.

By : Cécile Ducrocq
Duration : 1h37
With : Laure Calamy, Nissim Renard, Béatrice Facquer, Maxence Tual, Romain Brau
Nationality : France

Pro­duc­tion : Stéphanie Bermann & Alex­is Dulguerian
Script : Cécile Ducrocq
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Noé Bach
Edit­ing : Sophie Reine
Music : Julie Roué
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Tan­dem Films, +33 1 40 38 90 53, mirana@tandemfilms.com, www.tandemfilms.fr

In French with Eng­lish subtitles


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