French Tech

By Bruno Podalydès


Down-on-his-luck, unem­ployed Alexan­dre has two months to prove to his wife he can take care of his two young kids and be finan­cial­ly inde­pen­dent. Now, the thing is, although The Box, a user-friend­ly start­up, wants to hire him on pro­ba­tion, the company’s slo­gan is “No kids!” and Séver­ine, his future boss, is a short-tem­pered “killer”. If Alexan­dre wants to land the job, he’s bound to lie… Will his meet­ing with Arcim­bol­do, an “entre­pre­neur of him­self” and the king of online odd jobs, help the brave, dis­ori­ent­ed Alexan­dre over­come all those challenges?

By : Bruno Podalydès
Duration : 1h32
With : Sandrine Kiberlain, Denis Podalydès, Bruno Podalydès, Yann Frisch, Luana Bajrami, Leslie Menu, Michel Vuillermoz, Vanessa Paradis
Nationality : France

Pro­duc­tion : Pas­cal Caucheteux
Script : Bruno Podalydès
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Pas­cal Blossier
Edit­ing : Chris­tel Dewynter
Cast : San­drine Kiber­lain, Denis Poda­ly­dès, Bruno Poda­ly­dès, Yann Frisch, Lua­na Bajra­mi, Leslie Menu, Michel Vuiller­moz, Vanes­sa Paradis
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : UGC Dis­tri­b­u­tion, +33 7 86 07 90 48,,

In French with Eng­lish subtitles


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