Don’t Worry Darling

By Olivia Wilde


Alice and Jack are lucky to be liv­ing in the ide­al­ized com­mu­ni­ty of Vic­to­ry, the exper­i­men­tal com­pa­ny town hous­ing the men who work for the top-secret Vic­to­ry Project and their fam­i­lies. The 1950’s soci­etal opti­mism espoused by their CEO, Frank, anchors every aspect of dai­ly life in the tight-knit desert utopia. While the hus­bands spend every day inside the Vic­to­ry Project Head­quar­ters, their wives get to spend their time enjoy­ing the lux­u­ry and debauch­ery of their com­mu­ni­ty. Life is per­fect, with every resident’s needs met by the com­pa­ny. But when cracks in their idyl­lic life begin to appear, expos­ing flash­es of some­thing much more sin­is­ter lurk­ing beneath the attrac­tive façade, Alice can’t help questioning… 

In Eng­lish with French sub­ti­tles — Dol­by Atmos 

By : Olivia Wilde
Year : 2022
Duration : 2h02
With : Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Olivia Wilde, Chris Pine, Gemma Chan, Nick Kroll, Kate Berland, Sydney Chandler, Timothy Simons, Kiki Layne, Douglas Smith
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Roy Lee, Katie Sil­ber­man, Olivia Wilde & Miri Yoon 

Script : Katie Sil­ber­man based on a nov­el by Carey & Shane Van Dyke

Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Matthew Liba­tique

Edit­ing : Affon­so Gonçalves

Music : John Pow­ell

Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Warn­er Bros. Enter­tain­ment France

+33 1 72 25 00 00


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