By Maïwenn


Neige reg­u­lar­ly vis­its her beloved Alger­ian grand­fa­ther in his retire­ment home. It was Emir who raised her, and who offered pro­tec­tion from her tox­ic par­ents. She is sur­round­ed by her extend­ed fam­i­ly – broth­ers, sis­ter, aunt, moth­er. Rela­tions between them are dif­fi­cult, rife with resent­ment and bit­ter­ness. Emir’s death will esca­late fam­i­ly ten­sions and trig­ger a pro­found iden­ti­ty cri­sis for Neige.

By : Maïwenn
Duration : 1h30
With : Maïwenn, Fanny Ardant, Louis Garrel, Marine Vacth, Alain Françon, Caroline Chaniolleau, Dylan Robert, Florent Lacger, Omar Marwan
Nationality : France

Pro­duc­tion : Pas­cal Caucheteux
Script : Maïwenn & Math­ieu Demy
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Sylvestre Dedise
Edit­ing : Lau­re Gardette
Music : Stephen Warbeck
Cast : Maïwenn, Fan­ny Ardant, Louis Gar­rel, Marine Vacth, Alain Françon, Car­o­line Chan­iol­leau, Dylan Robert, Hen­ri-Noël Tabary, Omar Marwan
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Le Pacte, +33 01 44 59 69 40, c.tonfoni@le-pacte.com, www.le-pacte.com

In French, Ara­bic & Eng­lish with French subtitles


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