
By Michael Curtiz


A cyn­i­cal expa­tri­ate Amer­i­can cafe own­er strug­gles to decide whether to help his for­mer lover and her fugi­tive hus­band escape the Nazis in French Morocco.

A mas­ter­piece evok­ing love, patri­o­tism and ide­al­ism. This great clas­sic from the gold­en age of Hol­ly­wood is also an anti-Nazi plea which was released in the­aters in 1942, in a peri­od with an uncer­tain outcome.

By : Michael Curtiz
Year : 1942
Duration : 1h42
With : Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

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