At the Gates

By Augustus Meleo Bernstein


Ana, a house­keep­er from El Sal­vador, brings her teenage son Nico to help her clean an afflu­ent family’s Los Ange­les home. But after some­one rings the front gate, her employ­ers, Mar­i­anne and Peter Bar­ris, inform them that immi­gra­tion offi­cers are search­ing for them and con­vince the pair to hide in a base­ment clos­et, demand­ing they hand over their cell phones as a safe­ty pre­cau­tion. As days go by under the same roof, each fam­i­ly begins to ques­tion the other’s true intentions.

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

By : Augustus Meleo Bernstein
Year : 2022
Duration : 1h37
With : Vanessa Benavente, Ezekiel Pacheco, Miranda Otto, Noah Wyle, Sadie Stanley
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Jhan­vi Mot­la, Paulo Tor­res & Augus­tus Meleo Bernstein

Script : Augus­tus Meleo Bernstein

Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Alan Tor­res

Edit­ing : Jacob Ehrlich

Music : Julia New­man

Pro­duc­tion : Pic­ture­house

+1 917 796 85 41


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