Anatomy of a Murder

By Otto Preminger


An upstate lawyer defends a sol­dier who claims he killed an innkeep­er due to tem­po­rary insan­i­ty after the vic­tim raped his wife.

If cin­e­ma since the Lumière broth­ers records real­i­ty as it is, Pre­minger seeks the truth through the very ges­ture of stag­ing. It’s all a ques­tion of point of view, and Jus­tine Tri­et will not have for­got­ten the les­son with Anato­my of a Fall.

By : Otto Preminger
Year : 1959
Duration : 2h41
With : James Stewart, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara, Arthur O’Connell, Eve Arden
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles

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