Looking back on Tuesday 7th September

The direc­tor Fab­rice Du Welz was in Deauville to present his film Inex­orable in the « Win­dow on French Cin­e­ma » selec­tion, accom­pa­nied by his actress­es Melanie Doutey, Alba Gaia Bel­lu­gi and the screen­writer Josephine Dar­cy Hopkins.

The team from the film in com­pe­ti­tion Pota­to Dreams of Amer­i­ca by Wes Hur­ley were present on the red carpet.

Film­mak­er Diego Ongaro was in Deauville to present his film Down with the King.

Also present were the pro­duc­er Robert Cris­tiano, film edi­tor Benoit Sauvage and scriptwriter Xabi Molia.

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