Looking back on the 11th september

Fenêtre sur le ciné­ma français ( A Win­dow on French Cinema) 

Direc­tor Christophe Hon­oré and the actors Lau­rent Lafitte, Sébastien Poud­er­oux and Stéphane Varu­penne were in Deauville to present the film Guermantes.


Direc­tor Jim Cum­mings came to present his new film The Beta Test, which pre­miered at the Festival.

The Ornano Valen­ti Award. 

The award was giv­en this year to the film Les Mag­né­tiques by Vin­cent Maël Car­dona, in the pres­ence of the Direc­tor and the actors Thi­motée Robart and Marie Colomb.

Michael Shan­non

The Direc­tor Michael Shan­non inau­gu­rat­ed his beach cab­in on Deauville’s famous broad walk.

Cred­it­ed for over 100 films and series, for thou­sands of the­atre per­for­mances and twice present in Deauville for Jeff Nicholas Take Shel­ter in 2015 and for 99 Homes by Ramin Bahrani, both films that were award­ed the Grand Prix, Michael Shan­non received a Deauville Tal­ent Award.

Clos­ing Film

Yvan Attal came to present Les Choses Humaines accom­pa­nied by his film crew.


A full update of award win­ning films for the 47th edi­tion of the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val is available.

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