Looking back on Saturday 4th September

The actress Linh-Dam Pham was in Deauville to present the first film in com­pe­ti­tion BLUE BAYOU, direct­ed by Justin Chon!
Oliv­er Stone was also in Deauville to present his new doc­u­men­tary JFK Revis­it­ed : Through the Look­ing Glass.
Whilst on the icon­ic Deauville broad walk, the film­mak­er inau­gu­rat­ed his beach cabin.
The Direc­tor Jacques Loeuille pre­sent­ed his doc­u­men­tary BIRDS OF AMERICA. He was accom­pa­nied on the stage by the pro­duc­er Ari­ane Métais. 

The team from the film THE FRACTURE, screened at Cannes ear­li­er this year, was also present at the Fes­ti­val. The Direc­tor Cather­ine Corsi­ni hon­ored us with her pres­ence, along with the actors Valéria Bruni-Tedeschi, Ais­satou Dial­lo, Clé­ment Cho­let and Pio Marmai. 

The Red Car­pet & The New Hol­ly­wood Award. 

Look­ing back in pic­tures on the cer­e­mo­ny of The New Hol­ly­wood Award at the 47th Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val, award­ed by Clé­mence Poésy to the actress Dylan Penn.
The evening con­tin­ued with the screen­ing of the film FLAG DAY by Sean Penn, pre­sent­ed in the L’Heure de la Croisette selection.
Amongst the guests on the red car­pet were: Agathe Rous­selle, Vicky Krieps, the team from the film OGRE with Ana Girar­dot, Arnaud Mal­herbe, Gio­van­ni Puc­ci. As well as Vin­cent Lin­don, Linh-Dan Pham, Fatou N’Diaye, who is a mem­ber of the jury, and Céleste Brun­nquell and India Hair, both mem­bers of the Rev­e­la­tion Jury. 

Crédit pho­to © Jacques Basile

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