L’heure de la Croisette

Deauville welcomes Cannes

« A town, beach­es, views? No, it’s not Cannes, it’s Deauville. The host of one of France’s old­est film fes­ti­vals will excep­tion­al­ly take on the guise of la Croisette in this most unique year for cin­e­ma. Along with Pierre Les­cure and the team from Cannes, we are immense­ly pleased by the hos­pi­tal­i­ty extend­ed to us to screen films from the Offi­cial Selec­tion on the Deauville board­walk. We share with Bruno Barde an iden­ti­cal rig­or for cin­e­ma, the same pas­sion for artists, a sim­i­lar tra­di­tion of gen­eros­i­ty and open­ness to the world. »

Thier­ry Frémaux
Gen­er­al Del­e­gate of the Cannes Film Festival

Extra­or­di­nary cir­cum­stances call for an extra­or­di­nary edi­tion: this year, the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val wel­comes the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, known for its inter­na­tion­al dimen­sion. 10 films have thus been select­ed from among 56 Cannes titles from the Offi­cial Selec­tion. An intense oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the world’s fore­most film fes­ti­val to thrum­ming life in Deauville. Gen­er­al audi­ences will be able to dis­cov­er these films on the big screen in the pres­ence of Cannes Gen­er­al Del­e­gate Thier­ry Fré­maux and Pres­i­dent Pierre Lescure.

The Cannes films will be pep­pered through­out every sec­tion of this 2020 edi­tion, lend­ing the pro­gram an orig­i­nal and cos­mopoli­tan tint. Many of these films’ teams, for the most part French, will be present to engage with the pub­lic. For Amer­i­can cin­e­ma lovers, out­side of this Cannes selec­tion, the fes­ti­val will, as usu­al, offer some 70 Amer­i­can films. And as May­or Philippe Augi­er of Deauville says, « This year, the Deauville Fes­ti­val is, above all, a ren­dez-vous with cinema. »

DNA by Maïwenn
AMMONITE by Fran­cis Lee
HOME FRONT by Lucas Belvaux
FRENCH TECH by Bruno Podalydès
A GOOD MAN by Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar
LAST WORDS by Jonathan Nossiter
PENINSULA by Yeon Sang-ho
RED SOIL by Farid Bentoumi
SLALOM by Char­lène Favier
TEDDY by Ludovic & Zoran Boukherma


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