Images of Sunday, September 8

Actor André Hol­land is at the fes­ti­val to present EXHIBITING FORGIVENESS, in competition!

Min­hal Baig presents WE GROWN NOW at the Deauville Festival!

The NI CHAINES NI MAITRES team pose in front of Karl Lagasse’s sculp­ture. Direc­tor Simon Moutaïrou is accom­pa­nied by actors Benoît Mag­imel, Ibrahi­ma Mbaye and Anna Diakhere Thiandoum.

Direc­tor Alice Winocour paid trib­ute to James Gray!

And the fes­ti­val was treat­ed to the pre­miere of THE THICKET along­side its flam­boy­ant cast, includ­ing direc­tor Elliott Lester, pro­duc­er David Gins­berg and actress­es Juli­ette Lewis and Esme Creed-Miles.

Pho­to cred­it : ©Jacques Basile

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