Images of Monday, September 9

Direc­tor Vin­cent Grashaw (BANG BANG) accom­pa­nied by actor Tim Blake Nel­son and actress Dana Namerode.

James Gray inau­gu­rat­ed his booth on the Deauville stage!

THE SCHOOL DUEL direc­tor Todd Wise­man Jr. and the film’s crew walked the red carpet.

Actor Sebas­t­ian Stan received the New Hol­ly­wood Award to cel­e­brate his eclec­tic and promis­ing career!

The evening closed with a pre­view screen­ing of A DIFFERENT MAN, in the pres­ence of direc­tor Aaron Schim­berg and actors Adam Pear­son and Sebas­t­ian Stan.

Pho­to cred­it : ©Jacques Basile

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