
2023 • 49th edition

From Sep­tem­ber 1st to 10th, 2023

Hav­ing suc­cess­ful­ly over­come the pub­lic health cri­sis not long before, Deauville found itself caught up in fresh tur­moil. Weeks before the Festival’s open­ing, an unprece­dent­ed strike unit­ing the Writ­ers Guild of Amer­i­ca with the SAG-AFTRA union was called across the Atlantic, par­a­lyz­ing the entire film indus­try for months so that Hol­ly­wood screen­writ­ers and actors could defend their rights. Natal­ie Port­man, Peter Din­klage, Jude Law and Joseph Gor­don-Levitt were unfor­tu­nate­ly no longer able to join us on the Nor­mandy coast.

Yet cinephiles and movie bingers con­soled them­selves by attend­ing the mov­ing trib­ute to pho­tog­ra­ph­er and film­mak­er Jer­ry Schatzberg, icon­ic fig­ure of the New Hol­ly­wood, as well as by join­ing Emil­ia Clarke, the unfor­get­table Daen­erys Tar­garyen, Moth­er of Drag­ons, from the hit series Game of Thrones.

Mean­while, the Fes­ti­val con­tin­ued open­ing a Win­dow on French Cin­e­ma and set­ting its clocks to The Croisette Hour, with such poignant and notable works as Thomas Cailley’s Ani­mal King­dom, Mar­co Bellochio’s Kid­napped and Judith Godrèche’s return to France with event series Icon of French Cin­e­ma.

While fes­ti­val­go­ers could also chat with Car­ole Bou­quet and retrace 100 Years of Warn­er Bros. with the Uncle Sam Docs, they above all seized on the oppor­tu­ni­ty offered by Deauville to debate what buzzy pre­mieres might hold in store, begin­ning with Jonathan Glazer’s sen­sa­tion The Zone of Inter­est, win­ner of the 2024 Acad­e­my Award for Best Inter­na­tion­al Film, as well as Todd Haynes’ sul­furous May Decem­ber and Karim Aïnouz’s Fire­brand.

With its blend of neo-West­ern and dark com­e­dy, Sean Atkinson’s com­pe­ti­tion entry LaRoy, Texas not only swept the Audi­ence Award and the Crit­ics’ Award, it also won the Grand Prize from the jury led by Guil­laume Canet.

The Jury

Led by Guil­laume Canet, joined by Alexan­dre Aja, Anne Berest, Lau­re de Cler­mont-Ton­nerre, Léa Mysius, Mari­na Hands, Rebec­ca Hard­er, Stéphane Bak and Yodelice

The Revelation Jury

Led by Mélanie Thier­ry, joined by Julia Fau­re, Pablo Pauly, Rama­ta-Toulaye Sy, Félix Lefeb­vre and Cécile Maistre-Chabrol


Grand Prize

LAROY, TEXAS by Shane Atkinson

Jury Prize

THE SWEET EAST by Sean Price Williams

Jury Prize

FREMONT by Babak Jalali

Louis Roed­er­er Foun­da­tion Rev­e­la­tion Prize

THE SWEET EAST by Sean Price Williams

Crit­ics’ Award

LAROY, TEXAS by Shane Atkinson

Audi­ence Award

LAROY, TEXAS by Shane Atkinson

d’Ornano-Valenti Prize

ALL TO PLAY FOR by Del­phine Deloget

Lucien-Bar­rière Lit­er­ary Award

INTIMACIES by Katie Kitamura


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