
2022 • 48th edition

From Sep­tem­ber 2 to 11, 2022. The Deauville Fes­ti­val con­tin­ued to open its arms to the world.

The col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Cannes Fes­ti­val was rein­forced through the Croisette Hour, pre­sent­ing the 2022 Palme d’Or, Tri­an­gle of Sad­ness, in the pres­ence of Swedish direc­tor Ruben Östlund, and the two Grand Prizes: Close by Lucas Dhont and Stars at Noon by Claire Denis.

For the sec­ond time, Deauville left the win­dow on French cin­e­ma wide open with the atten­dance of the film­mak­ers and cast of three films pre­sent­ed in world pre­miere: The Great Mag­ic by Noémie Lvovsky, a great moment of emo­tion when the direc­tor invit­ed her entire team on stage, The Lock­down Tow­er by Guil­laume Nicloux and Les Ras­cals by Jim­my Laporal-Trésor.

Many trib­utes cel­e­brat­ing the young gen­er­a­tion of Hol­ly­wood took place in the pres­ence of these (almost) new voic­es: Jesse Eisen­berg, who also came to present his direc­to­r­i­al fea­ture debut When You Fin­ish Sav­ing the World, Lucy Boyn­ton, who gave an unfor­get­table per­for­mance as Fred­die Mercury’s fiancée in Bryan Singer’s Bohemi­an Rhap­sody, and Ana de Armas, who moved and divid­ed the fes­ti­val-goers dur­ing the excep­tion­al screen­ing of Andrew Dominik’s Blonde.

A Carte Blanche was giv­en to jour­nal­ist and author Philippe Gar­nier, an Amer­i­can films spe­cial­ist, for the release of his new 3‑volume book “Cred­its, the true his­to­ry of movies”. Six emblem­at­ic Amer­i­can films from the 40s to the 70s were offered to the audi­ence, as well as a pub­lic meet­ing at the Franciscaines.

Final­ly, Arnaud Desplechin presided over the jury and jour­neyed with its mem­bers accross the back roads of the Unit­ed States by decid­ing among the 13 inde­pen­dent Amer­i­can fea­ture films in com­pe­ti­tion. Char­lotte Wells’ After­sun, which invokes with melan­choly the mem­o­ry of her father dur­ing a sum­mer spent with him, won the Grand Prize before enjoy­ing a world­wide crit­i­cal suc­cess, includ­ing an Acad­e­my Award Best Actor nom­i­na­tion for main actor Paul Mescal.

Poster 48th American Film Festival

Jurys & Palmarès


The Jury: presided by Arnaud Desplechin, with Jean Paul Civeyrac, Pierre Deladon­champs, Léa Druck­er, Sophie Letourneur, Alex Lutz, Yas­mi­na Khadra and Marine Vacth

The Rev­e­la­tion Jury: presided by Elodie Bouchez, with Andrea Bescond, Eddy de Pret­to, Nico­las Paris­er, Agathe Rous­selle, and Yolande Zauberman


Grand Prize: AFTERSUN by Char­lotte Wells

Jury Prize: WAR PONY by Gina Gam­mell & Riley Keough

Jury Prize: PALM TREES AND POWER LINES by Jamie Dack

Fon­da­tion Louis Roed­er Rev­e­la­tion Prize 2022: WAR PONY by Gina Gam­mell & Riley Keough

Audi­ence Award: EMILY THE CRIMINAL by John Pat­ton Ford

Crit­ics Award: AFTERSUN by Char­lotte Wells D’Or­nano-Valen­ti Prize 2022: FALCON LAKE by Char­lotte Le Bon


  • Lucy Boynton , ©Jacques Basile
    Lucy Boynton , ©Jacques Basile
  • Ana de Armas , ©Jacques Basile
    Ana de Armas , ©Jacques Basile
  • Thandiwe Newton , ©Jacques Basile
    Thandiwe Newton , ©Jacques Basile
  • Jesse Eisenberg , ©Jacques Basile
    Jesse Eisenberg , ©Jacques Basile
  • Le jury de la révélation : Élodie Bouchez (Présidente) , Andréa Bescond , Eddy de Pretto , Nicolas Pariser , Agathe Rousselle , Yolande Zauberman , ©Jacques Basile
    Le jury de la révélation : Élodie Bouchez (Présidente) , Andréa Bescond , Eddy de Pretto , Nicolas Pariser , Agathe Rousselle , Yolande Zauberman , ©Jacques Basile
  • Le grand jury : Arnaud Desplechin (Président) , Jean Paul Civeyrac , Pierre Deladonchamps , Léa Drucker , Sophie Letourneur , Alex Lutz , Yasmina Khadra , Marine Vacth , ©Jacques Basile
    Le grand jury : Arnaud Desplechin (Président) , Jean Paul Civeyrac , Pierre Deladonchamps , Léa Drucker , Sophie Letourneur , Alex Lutz , Yasmina Khadra , Marine Vacth , ©Jacques Basile
  • Jesse Eisenberg , ©Jacques Basile
    Jesse Eisenberg , ©Jacques Basile
  • L'équipe du film Les Rascals , ©Jacques Basile
    L'équipe du film Les Rascals , ©Jacques Basile
  • Lana Parrilla , ©Jacques Basile
    Lana Parrilla , ©Jacques Basile
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Next edition 2023 • 49th edition