
2020 • 46th edition

From Sep­tem­ber 4 to 13, 2020. In this excep­tion­al year, marked by a health cri­sis beyond imag­i­na­tion, Deauville rein­vents itself and aims to show sol­i­dar­i­ty with the hard-hit glob­al film indus­try. The fes­ti­val there­by wel­comes the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, known for its inter­na­tion­al dimen­sion. 10 films have thus been select­ed from among 56 Cannes titles from the Offi­cial Selec­tion. Deauville also opens its doors to the Annecy Inter­na­tion­al Ani­mat­ed Film Fes­ti­val, to present a youth pro­gram of 3 films. To hon­our the hard-hit med­ical world in the Unit­ed States as well as in France, the fes­ti­val fea­tures Amer­i­can & French doc­tors, a selec­tion of French and Amer­i­can films whose on-screen heroes are health care per­son­nel. The bonds between the US and France become even thigh­ter as Deauville wel­comes sev­er­al French film cast and crews and hon­ours Bar­bet Schroed­er with the 46th Award for the ensem­ble of his Amer­i­can work. Vanes­sa Par­adis heads the Jury and Rebec­ca Zlo­tows­ki the Rev­e­la­tion Jury, while Deauville pays trib­ute to the late Kirk Dou­glas, one of the giants of Amer­i­can cin­e­ma, through the voice of his son Michael who, though he couldn’t come to France, adressed the most heart­felt and inspi­ra­tional filmed speech.


Vanes­sa Par­adis (prési­dente), Zita Han­rot, Del­phine Horvilleur, Mou­nia Med­dour, Sylvie Pialat, Yann Gon­za­lez, Vin­cent Lacoste, Bruno Poda­ly­dès, Oxmo Puccino.

Revelation Jury

Rebec­ca Zlo­tows­ki (prési­dente), Luà­na Bajra­mi, Mya Bol­laers, Arnaud Rebo­ti­ni, Antoine Reinartz.


Grand Prix : THE NEST Sean Durkin
Prix du Jury (ex-aequo) : FIRST COW Kel­ly Reichardt & LORELEI Sab­ri­na Doyle
Prix Fon­da­tion Louis Roed­er­er de la Révéla­tion 2020 : THE NEST Sean Durkin
Prix Fon­da­tion Louis Roed­er­er de la Mise en scène 2020 : THE ASSISTANT Kit­ty Green
Prix de la cri­tique : THE NEST Sean Durkin
Prix du Pub­lic de la Ville de Deauville : UNCLE FRANCK Alan Ball
Prix Lit­téraire Lucien Bar­rière : Fab­rice Hum­bert pour son roman Le monde n’existe pas
Prix d’Ornano-Valenti 2020 : SLALOM Char­lène Favier
Prix du 46e Fes­ti­val de Deauville : Bar­bet Schroeder


  • Vanessa Paradis , ©Jacques Basile
    Vanessa Paradis , ©Jacques Basile
  • Pio Marmaï , ©Jacques Basile
    Pio Marmaï , ©Jacques Basile
  • Vanessa Paradis , ©Jacques Basile
    Vanessa Paradis , ©Jacques Basile
  • le grand jury : Vanessa Paradis (Présidente) , Yann Gonzalez , Yann Gonzalez , Delphine Horvilleur , Vincent Lacoste , Mounia Meddour , Sylvie Pialat , Bruno Podalydès , Oxmo Puccino , ©Jacques Basile
    le grand jury : Vanessa Paradis (Présidente) , Yann Gonzalez , Yann Gonzalez , Delphine Horvilleur , Vincent Lacoste , Mounia Meddour , Sylvie Pialat , Bruno Podalydès , Oxmo Puccino , ©Jacques Basile
  • Maïwenn , ©Jacques Basile
    Maïwenn , ©Jacques Basile
  • Félix Moati , ©Jacques Basile
    Félix Moati , ©Jacques Basile
  • Clémence Poésy , ©Jacques Basile
    Clémence Poésy , ©Jacques Basile
  • Benoît Poelvoorde , ©Jacques Basile
    Benoît Poelvoorde , ©Jacques Basile
Previous edition 2019 • 45th edition
Next edition 2021 • 47th edition