
2019 • 45th edition

From 6th to 15th Sep­tem­ber 2019.
For its anniver­sary, the Fes­ti­val changed its appear­ance, with bright colours and a new, mod­ern logo. Cather­ine Deneuve and Anna Mouglalis presided over the two juries for this par­tic­u­lar­ly fem­i­nine edi­tion. Kris­ten Stew­art, one of the most tal­ent­ed actress­es of her gen­er­a­tion, received the Deauville Tal­ent Award, whilst Geena Davis, the cult actress of Thel­ma and Louise came to speak about the under-rep­re­sen­ta­tion of women in Hol­ly­wood. Sien­na Miller also received a Deauville Tal­ent Award for her eclec­tic career. Sophie Turn­er car­ried off the New Hol­ly­wood Prize, whilst the Festival’s part­ner HBO cel­e­brat­ed the 10 years of Deauville Sea­son con­se­crat­ed to series, with an excep­tion­al marathon show­ing of all of the 73 episodes of the cult series Game of Thrones for the dura­tion of the Fes­ti­val. Final­ly, Pierce Bros­nan received a trib­ute on stage where he demon­strat­ed his sin­cere com­mit­ment and excep­tion­al ele­gance. Last­ly, the Fes­ti­val pub­lic wel­comed with emo­tion the emblem­at­ic actor John­ny Depp who accept­ed his prize from Cather­ine Deneuve.


Cather­ine Deneuve (Pres­i­dent), Antonin Baudry, Claire Burg­er, Jean-Pierre Duret, Vale­ria Goli­no, Vicky Krieps, Gaël Morel, Orel­San, Nico­las Saa­da, Gas­pard Ulliel

Revelation Jury

Anna Mouglalis (Pres­i­dent), Alice Belaï­di, Damien Bon­nard, Marie-Louise Khond­ji, Roman Kolinka,


Grand Prix : BULL Annie Silverstein
Prix du jury (ex-aequo) : THE CLIMB Michael Ange­lo Covi­no & THE LIGHTHOUSE Robert Eggers
Prix de la 45e édi­tion : BULL Annie Silverstein
Prix Fon­da­tion Louis Roed­er­er de la Révéla­tion : BULL Annie Silverstein
Prix de la cri­tique : BULL Annie Silverstein
Prix du pub­lic de la ville de Deauville : THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON Tyler Nil­son & Michael Schwartz
Prix du 45e Fes­ti­val du Ciné­ma Améri­cain de Deauville : CUBAN NETWORK Olivi­er Assayas
Prix spé­cial du 45e Fes­ti­val : SWALLOW Car­lo Mirabella-davis
Prix Michel d’Or­nano : LES MISÉRABLES Ladj Li


  • Sophie Turner , ©Jacques Basile
    Sophie Turner , ©Jacques Basile
  • Kristen Stewart , ©Jacques Basile
    Kristen Stewart , ©Jacques Basile
  • Catherine Deneuve et Johnny Depp , ©Jacques Basile
    Catherine Deneuve et Johnny Depp , ©Jacques Basile
  • Pierce Brosnan , ©Jacques Basile
    Pierce Brosnan , ©Jacques Basile
  • Carlo Mirabella-Davis , ©Jacques Basile
    Carlo Mirabella-Davis , ©Jacques Basile
  • Kristen Stewart , ©Jacques Basile
    Kristen Stewart , ©Jacques Basile
  • Anthony Colette , ©Jacques Basile
    Anthony Colette , ©Jacques Basile
  • Le jury: Catherine Deneuve (Présidente) , Antonin Baudry , Claire Burger , Jean-Pierre Duret , Valeria Golino , Vicky Krieps , Gaël Morel , Orelsan , Nicolas Saada , Gaspard Ulliel , ©Jacques Basile
    Le jury: Catherine Deneuve (Présidente) , Antonin Baudry , Claire Burger , Jean-Pierre Duret , Valeria Golino , Vicky Krieps , Gaël Morel , Orelsan , Nicolas Saada , Gaspard Ulliel , ©Jacques Basile
Previous edition 2018 • 44th edition
Next edition 2020 • 46th edition