
2012 • 38th edition

From 31st August to 9th Sep­tem­ber 2012.
Trib­utes this year were paid to William Fried­kin, Salma Hayek, Har­vey Kei­t­el, Liam Nee­son, Melvin Van Pee­bles, and Paula Wag­n­er; the Carte Blanche was giv­en to styl­ist Agnès b.; and the actor Paul Dano was cho­sen as the “New Hol­ly­wood 2012”. In the Casino’s Ital­ian-style the­atre and with free entry for all, the Radio France Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra and com­pos­er Michel Legrand staged an excep­tion­al con­cert in trib­ute to the com­pos­er John Williams. Also on the Fes­ti­val pro­gram, a les­son in cin­e­ma by direc­tor William Fried­kin, a Con­ver­sa­tion with the screen­writer René Bal­cer in the con­text of Deauville Sea­son 3, a Mas­ter­class tack­ling the analy­sis of the 2011 Grand Prize win­ning film Jeff Nichols’ Take Shel­ter, and the Fran­co-Amer­i­can round table ded­i­cat­ed this year to “Pro­duc­ing today: issues and new resources”.

Affiche de la 38e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

The Jury

San­drine Bon­naire (Pres­i­dent), Sami Boua­ji­la, Clotilde Courau, Philippe Decou­flé, Anaïs Demousti­er, Christophe Hon­oré, Joann Sfar, Flo­rent-Emilio Siri, Alice Taglioni

Revelation Jury

Frédéric Beigbed­er (Pres­i­dent), Astrid Bergès-Fris­bey, Mélanie Bernier, Ana Girar­dot, Félix Moati


Grand Prize : Beasts of the South­ern Wild — Benh Zeitlin
Jury’s Prize : UNA NOCHE Lucy Mulloy
The most promis­ing new­com­er Prize : Beasts of the South­ern Wild — Benh Zeitlin
Crit­ics Award : THE WE AND THE I Michel Gondry


  • Salma Hayek , ©Guy Isacc
    Salma Hayek , ©Guy Isacc
  • Liam Neeson , ©Guy Isacc
    Liam Neeson , ©Guy Isacc
  • Harvey Keitel , ©Guy Isacc
    Harvey Keitel , ©Guy Isacc
  • Rachel Weisz et Jeremy Renner , ©Guy Isacc
    Rachel Weisz et Jeremy Renner , ©Guy Isacc
  • Salma Hayek , ©Guy Isacc
    Salma Hayek , ©Guy Isacc
  • Le jury de la révélation: Frédéric Beigbeder (Président) , Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey , Mélanie Bernier , 
Ana Girardot , Félix Moati , ©Guy Isacc
    Le jury de la révélation: Frédéric Beigbeder (Président) , Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey , Mélanie Bernier , Ana Girardot , Félix Moati , ©Guy Isacc
  • Le jury: Sandrine Bonnaire (Présidente) , Sami Bouajila , Clotilde Courau , Philippe Decouflé , 
Anaïs Demoustier , Christophe Honoré , Joann Sfar , Florent-Emilio Siri , Alice Taglioni , ©Guy Isacc
    Le jury: Sandrine Bonnaire (Présidente) , Sami Bouajila , Clotilde Courau , Philippe Decouflé , Anaïs Demoustier , Christophe Honoré , Joann Sfar , Florent-Emilio Siri , Alice Taglioni , ©Guy Isacc
  • Melvin Van Peebles , ©Guy Isacc
    Melvin Van Peebles , ©Guy Isacc
  • Kev Adams , ©Guy Isacc
    Kev Adams , ©Guy Isacc
Previous edition 2011 • 37th edition
Next edition 2013 • 39th edition