
2010 • 36th edition

From 3rd to 12th Sep­tem­ber 2010.
Fes­ti­val­go­ers had a Ren­dez-vous this year with Ter­ry Gilliam, hon­oured by the Fes­ti­val, which screened his com­plete films opus. Annette Ben­ing and Gregg Ara­ki also received trib­utes. For the first time, Deauville decid­ed to open its the­atres and screens to Amer­i­can tele­vi­sion series and to their screen­writ­ing, in its new free-entry sec­tion, “Deauville Sea­son #”. It was in this very “Deauville Sea­son 1” con­text that Mas­ter­class­es with screen­writ­ers David Chase and Clyde Phillips were organized.

Affiche de la 36e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

The Jury

Emmanuelle Béart (Pres­i­dent), Jeanne Bal­ibar, Lucas Bel­vaux, Faouzi Ben­saï­di, Chris­tine Cit­ti, Fab­rice du Welz, Nil­da Fer­nan­dez, Tony Gatlif, Denis Lavant, Abder­rah­mane Sissako

Revelation Jury

Manuel Pradal (Pres­i­dent), Jonathan Lam­bert, Emma Luchi­ni, Rox­ane Mesqui­da, Sébastien Thiery


Grand Prize : MOTHER AND CHILD Rodri­go García
Jury’s Prize (ex-aequo) : WINTER’S BONE Debra Granik
The most promis­ing new­com­er prize : JEWISH CONNECTION (Holy Rollers) Kevin Asch
Crit­ics Award : BURIED Rodri­go Cortés


  • Zac Efron , ©Guy Isacc
    Zac Efron , ©Guy Isacc
  • Chace Crawford , ©Guy Isacc
    Chace Crawford , ©Guy Isacc
  • Malika Ménard , ©Guy Isacc
    Malika Ménard , ©Guy Isacc
  • Virginie Efira , ©Guy Isacc
    Virginie Efira , ©Guy Isacc
  • America Ferrera , ©Guy Isacc
    America Ferrera , ©Guy Isacc
  • Le jury de la révélation: Manuel Pradal (Président), Jonathan Lambert, Emma Luchini, Roxane Mesquida, 
Sébastien Thiery , ©Guy Isacc
    Le jury de la révélation: Manuel Pradal (Président), Jonathan Lambert, Emma Luchini, Roxane Mesquida, Sébastien Thiery , ©Guy Isacc
  • Le jury: Emmanuelle Béart (Présidente), Jeanne Balibar, Lucas Belvaux, Faouzi Bensaïdi, 
Christine Citti, Fabrice du Welz, Nilda Fernandez, Tony Gatlif, Denis Lavant, 
Abderrahmane Sissako , ©Guy Isacc
    Le jury: Emmanuelle Béart (Présidente), Jeanne Balibar, Lucas Belvaux, Faouzi Bensaïdi, Christine Citti, Fabrice du Welz, Nilda Fernandez, Tony Gatlif, Denis Lavant, Abderrahmane Sissako , ©Guy Isacc
  • Chace Crawford , ©Guy Isacc
    Chace Crawford , ©Guy Isacc
  • André Halimi , ©Guy Isacc
    André Halimi , ©Guy Isacc
Previous edition 2009 • 35th edition
Next edition 2011 • 37th edition