
2000 • 26th edition

From 1st to 10th Sep­tem­ber 2000.
The Fes­ti­val took it upon itself to pay trib­ute to Hol­ly­wood Musi­cals, in the pres­ence of Leslie Caron, Joel Grey and Mick­ey Rooney. For the third time, the Fes­ti­val hon­oured one of its most faith­ful friends, Clint East­wood, along­side first-time trib­ute recip­i­ents Susan Saran­don, Dino de Lau­ren­tis, Chow Yun-fat (on the occa­sion of the pre­sen­ta­tion of the Amer­i­can film Crouch­ing Tiger, Hid­den Drag­on, direct­ed by Ang Lee) and Samuel L. Jack­son. Deauville wel­comed new tech­nolo­gies in ded­i­cat­ing a day to dig­i­tal cin­e­ma. This year’s event also saw the launch of CanalFes­ti­val, the offi­cial Fes­ti­val tele­vi­sion broadcast.

Affiche de la 26e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

The Jury

Neil Jor­dan (Pres­i­dent), Clotilde Courau, Guil­laume Canet, Tchéky Karyo, Philippe Labro, Samuel Le Bihan, François Ozon, Vin­cent Perez, Danièle Thomp­son, Marie Trintignant


Grand Prix : GIRLFIGHT Karyn Kusama
Prix du jury (ex-aequo) : LES INITIÉS (Boil­er Room) Ben Younger & MEMENTO Christo­pher Nolan
Prix de la cri­tique inter­na­tionale : MEMENTO Christo­pher Nolan


  • Tommy Lee Jones , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Tommy Lee Jones , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Samuel L. Jackson et Régis Wargnier , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Samuel L. Jackson et Régis Wargnier , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Morgan Freeman , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Morgan Freeman , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Morgan Freeman et Clint Eastwood , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Morgan Freeman et Clint Eastwood , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Monica Bellucci , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Monica Bellucci , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Matthew McConaughey , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Matthew McConaughey , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Donald Sutherland , Clint Eastwood , Tommy Lee Jones , James Garner , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Donald Sutherland , Clint Eastwood , Tommy Lee Jones , James Garner , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Harrison Ford , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Harrison Ford , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
Previous edition 1999 • 25th edition
Next edition 2001 • 27th edition