
1999 • 25th edition

From 3rd to 12th Sep­tem­ber 1999.
This year, the Fes­ti­val hon­oured the tal­ents of actors Al Paci­no, Michael Caine, and Robin Williams, direc­tor Ang Lee and com­pos­er Mau­rice Jarre. Robin Williams, more­over, dur­ing his trib­ute, gave the sole press con­fer­ence in the Festival’s his­to­ry that was com­plete­ly untrans­lat­able in any lan­guage! The Cin­e­ma Work­shop fea­tured direc­tor Ran­da Haines. The fes­ti­val­go­ers dis­cov­ered pre­mieres from promis­ing young direc­tors: Spike Jonze, Amos Kollek, Doug Liman, Michael Pol­ish, Marc Levin

Affiche de la 25e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville


Régis Wargnier (Pres­i­dent), Jean-Hugues Anglade, Hum­bert Bal­san, Richard Berry, Gabriel Byrne, Jean­Pierre Dion­net, Marie Gillain, Michel Houelle­becq, Marie-France Pisi­er, Elsa Zylberstein


Grand Prize
Being John Malkovich — Spike Jonze
The Jury Prize (ex-aequo)
Twin Falls Ida­ho — Michael & Mark Polish
GUINEVERE — Audrey Wells
Crit­ics Award
Being John Malkovich — Spike Jonze


  • Al Pacino ©Dominique Saint
    Al Pacino ©Dominique Saint
  • Kirk Douglas ©Dominique Saint
    Kirk Douglas ©Dominique Saint
  • Pierce Brosnan et Keely Shaye Smith ©Dominique Saint
    Pierce Brosnan et Keely Shaye Smith ©Dominique Saint
  • Robin Williams ©Dominique Saint
    Robin Williams ©Dominique Saint
  • Steve Martin ©Dominique Saint
    Steve Martin ©Dominique Saint
Previous edition 1998 • 24th edition
Next edition 2000 • 26th edition