
1988 • 14th edition

From 2nd to 11th Sep­tem­ber 1988.
The fes­ti­val­go­ers were wel­comed into an entire­ly ren­o­vat­ed Casi­no cin­e­ma. On the occa­sion of «Six­ty Years of the Oscars» trib­ute, and in the pres­ence of Charles «Bud­dy» Rogers (the first Amer­i­can actor to win an Oscar), the silent film Wings by William A. Well­man (1927, the first film to win an Oscar) was screened in Deauville with a pianist on stage play­ing the film music live. The cin­e­ma VIP’s to whom the Fes­ti­val wished to pay trib­ute this year were Claudette Col­bert, Ann-Mar­garet, George Syd­ney, William Fried­kin, and Jonathan Demme. The fes­ti­val­go­ers dis­cov­ered pre­views of Amer­i­can films that would go on to become box office hits, among them Charles Crich­ton’s A Fish called Wan­da, John McTier­nan’s Die Hard and Bar­ry Levin­son’s Good Morn­ing Vietnam.

Affiche de la 14e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville


  • Ann-Margret , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Ann-Margret , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Ann-Margret , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Ann-Margret , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Claudette Colbert , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Claudette Colbert , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Claudette Colbert , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Claudette Colbert , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Claudette Colbert , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Claudette Colbert , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Robert De Niro , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Robert De Niro , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Robert De Niro , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Robert De Niro , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Robin Williams , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Robin Williams , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
Previous edition 1987 • 13th edition
Next edition 1989 • 15th edition