Meet with Anne d’Ornano

Les Franciscaines


“My memories of the Deauville Festival”

Dis­cov­er the cap­ti­vat­ing his­to­ry of the Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val along­side Anne d’Or­nano, an icon­ic Deauville fig­ure. A for­mer may­or of the town and a faith­ful spec­ta­tor of the first 49 edi­tions of the fes­ti­val, Anne d’Or­nano delves into the mem­o­ries of the cre­ation of this emblem­at­ic event.

Work­ing along­side Michel d’Or­nano when the fes­ti­val was found­ed in 1975, Anne d’Or­nano became ful­ly involved in the adven­ture as soon as she was elect­ed may­or of Deauville in 1977. Dri­ven by her Amer­i­can youth, she pro­mot­ed the fes­ti­val all the way to Hol­ly­wood, wel­com­ing leg­ends such as Kirk Dou­glas, Liz Tay­lor, Tony Cur­tis, Lau­ren Bacall, Clint East­wood and many oth­ers to pay tribute.

Anne d’Or­nano’s major coup was the bold deci­sion to build the C.I.D. (Cen­tre Inter­na­tion­al de Deauville), inau­gu­rat­ed at the 1992 fes­ti­val, giv­ing a new dimen­sion and a wider audi­ence to the fes­ti­val and to the town of Deauville.

In this first appear­ance on the Fran­cis­caines stage, Anne d’Or­nano deliv­ers a unique and invalu­able account of the evo­lu­tion and impact of Deauville’s most famous fes­ti­val. A must-see event for film enthu­si­asts and those curi­ous to dis­cov­er what goes on behind the scenes of this leg­endary event.
Host­ed by Philippe Normand.

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